
The key target of the programme is young boys and girls between 9 and 16 years who are at significant risk of exposure to drugs or crime. They are supported by the coaches and members of IC of Chile, who participate in the programme to encourage the children to see that they have different options in life. The children particularly value the opportunity to join IC activities and junior tournaments as well as being able to participate in activities with ex-professional players. The pandemic has been especially hard for those poorer groups of society in Chile for various reasons, including the lack of access to technology and lockdowns in areas where the virus had hit strongly.

IC Philanthropy

  • Building self confidence
  • Team work
  • Teaching respect
  • Benefits of good nutrition
  • Working with goals and within the rules

IC Philanthropy currently has a portfolio of 15 programmes and start-ups taking place across the world.

IC Council

Main IC Website

IC Philanthropy Foundation is a registered charity in England and Wales (no. 1167925) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (company number 09395678). Registered office: 6 Hillbury Gardens, Warlingham, Surrey, CR6 9TQ.